Massage Offered
Body to Body Massage
Bella Wellness Spa and Salon Kharghar
Body to Body Massage is a type of body massage proven to help aid the release of stress, promote a positive outlook and allow you to feel pampered in a much more seductive manner. This experience will throw you into a world of excitement, curiosity and desire with the comfort of an experienced masseuse who is an expert in this field.
In case you’re wondering ‘What is a body to body massage?’ it is a massage where a skilled masseuse uses her entire body to glide over your body, to orgasmic effect. Offering techniques that ensure your sensual time is meaningful, peaceful and climatic, here are five major health benefits of a body to body massage.
Body to body massage is a refined therapy that benefits the central nervous system and immune system, which are fundamental in keeping the body fit and healthy. Our experienced masseuse will begin to manipulate the soft muscle tissue and pressure points throughout the body to normalise those tissues.
- Full Body Massage
- Balinese Massage
- Aromatherapy Massage
- Body to Body Massage
- Four Hand Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Thai Massage
- Body Massage
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